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Need help about a sound pack?
70 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
All of the sudden my Pinsound Studio application stopped playing ANY audio while open on my computer. No matter which package I load into it, if I click on one of the callouts, songs, or jingles etc.... it just does nothing. Anyone have this issue before? Any suggestions on how to fix? Pinsound studio not
Last reply by Ceckitti, -
- 0 replies
I decided to do my own sound pack for my Tommy. I used Julien42's base files and switched them out using Audacity. Everything works great except the file for "Smash the Mirror" mode 2753595166. I have my .ogg audio file inside the folder like the others. But when I test my game that specific audio plays nothing. Anyone have any ideas?
Last reply by PinballZach, -
hello how did we install your sound pack in the elvis machine? the elvis normalized pack where can I get all the information? thank you for giving me all the information 1 aout 2024
Last reply by Disk0man, -
- 1 reply
this flipper isn't supported by pinsound, alltough I think the soundpack must exist for VPIN? I want to install a pinsound in my potc and replace the tune by the tune of the film... where can I find instructions how please?
Last reply by ZoomZoomBoomBoom2, -
- 0 replies
Just bought 4 brand new Pinsound cards and am having a VERY difficult time getting 2 them to work with a Stern Harley Davidson 3rd Edition. After hours of trying different sound sets and 2 different cards; at this point, it is kind of working. The music will start and everything seems fine while playing and then I hit a target or something else on the playfield and the music just completely stops. Even if I start another mode, it may start up again, but may not. If I drain, the music starts again on the new ball. I'm baffled as I have a number of these cards and have never come across this before. I have updated the firmware to the most recen…
Last reply by ZoomZoomBoomBoom2, -
- 1 reply
Is there anywhere now where I can get the original pre-PSPACK soundpacks?
Last reply by Wiw, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I just installed a pinsound plus sound board in my TZ. It's working good, I'm already using a couple of sound packages. Only problem I have is that it doesn't play the startup chime, I only get a little buzzing from the speakers. I also tried to load a different startup sound but it doesn't play. I am running the latest firmware with original speakers. While in play everything works great. What could be my problem? Thank you Giorgio
Last reply by Piso, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello together. There ist a new soundformate for Pinsound: ps.pack , but no Information from Pinsound Original ??
Last reply by segapin, -
- 0 replies
There is not a "changelog" for this update. Is there information available on what the changes are?? Thank you
Last reply by tbmbbb, -
- 0 replies
I am interested to know more about what the new PinSound Firmware Update -23081 August 28th 2023 is about. The changelog (yes I read it) doesn't share much, pinsound-update-23081.psrom2 (28 Aug 2023
Last reply by tbmbbb, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I have a TAF and want to improve on the sounds that are available now. I wanted to start with the original sounds so I downloaded the files from Pinsound. I was not expecting a '.pspack' but was hoping for something similar to those sound files that can be downloaded from the community. I also downloaded a 'psrec' file. What do I do with that? I figured I would start with the original files and improve on them one at a time. But since I cannot seem to get the originals from the pspack into WAV or OGG file format and folders, I am at a loss of where to go from here. PinSound Studio Pro seems to be rather limited as to what it can do - yes I know it is not …
Last reply by flyhigh, -
- 0 replies
Turning the volume down to zero doesn't toggle between the custom sounds folder and the original sound folder. Also there is no notification sound when the volume is down at zero. Any suggestions why? Also when I look at the original sound files I can see some sound files are duplicated. What is the reasoning behind this? If you take Doctor Who for instance. Under music there must be 10 folders named multiball and they all contain the same piece of music? Many thanks.
Last reply by Devorian, -
- 1 reply
Hi I've got the Pinsound for Lord of the Rings - GREAT! I'd like to install the original soundpack as well. Does anybody know how to install the Lord_Of_The_Rings_Original.pspack Many thanks for your support Best Regards Martin
Last reply by wbk, -
- 1 reply
I've just downloaded the Doctor Who original files expecting a zip folder of various WAV's but find it's a PSPACK File (.pspack) I can't open it?
Last reply by Devorian, -
- 0 replies
Is it possible to inspect shaker events/settings in an existing sound pack? My diagnostics .txt indicates there are 14 shaker events in each of my sound packs, but when I load them in PinSound Studio Pro, I do not see the "motion control shaker action" icon on any of the effects. If I manually assign an action, it adds the icon, but there does not seem to be a good way for me to identify where the existing 14 events are being triggered. Tips?
Last reply by Paradox921, -
- 0 replies
Hi my friends! I recently installed a PinSound Plus to my Goldeneye, and as soon as I turn it on I can hear the PinSound jingle and then silence, nothing comes later afterwards. I downloaded Boat Mix, put in on the USB Driver that came with my PinSound purchase, plugged on the PinSound Plus board again, turned it on and the same result, nothing. So I don't know what could be wrong about it or what I'm missing. If someone could help me I would be very grateful. Thanks for your time and help everybody!
Last reply by NunoDirector, -
- 2 replies
Right now, after editing my sound files I have to 1.load the USB 2.start a game 3. Play until there is a file I've changed (which will just be silence in it's place if I changed the file name) 4. Re-start the system I've come to realize that if you change the file name of a wav file that plays early you can save some time in this process. but... Is there a quicker way to have the board check the sound files? Preferably without having to access the physical board (I have a usb patch cord to extend it to behind the coin door already). Thanks for any help.
Last reply by Laithan, -
- 5 replies
good evening everyone, i'm new in this , can someone tell me why if i try to put a folder in my key the pinsound v1.3 dont read it? is there any passage i miss? i even update it with lastest version of the v1
Last reply by Laithan, -
- 1 reply
I have a pinsound plus board that has been on my Getaway for about a year. It has worked flawlessly up until recently. I played it last night and no issues. Went to play it today and all of a sudden it says the usb flash drive is not present. I have a backup flashdrive which I also tried and it does not work. Both drives then were re-formatted using fat32, the original file from this website was used and installed as a zip, and still get the drive not present error. Tried a third stick and nothing. Not sure how overnight it stopped working, but could use some help! Is the board bad?
Last reply by Laithan, -
- 1 reply
I purchased the board a few years ago and have only just now installed it in my TAF. I had previously updated the stock speakers to the PinballPro package, which has all three speakers wired in parallel, so mono. 1. Is there a software update to the board that I can install since it was purchased a few years ago? 2. The sound volume is too low. Even when I turn the machine volume to 30, it is still much less loud than it was before I installed the PinSound board. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! Thanks.
Last reply by Laithan, -
Last reply by JGPIN, -
- 9 replies
Hello, I just purchased my first Pinsound system (ultimate pack) and I have a problem. The sound card is cycling in the "Checking sound files, please wait." section when I try to load the basic zip files I downloaded onto the provided SanDisk unit. There is a drum and bass guitar playing in the background and a loud pop emanates about every 15 seconds or so. This process just keeps cycling and does not move forward. Please advise.
Last reply by posa93, -
- 3 replies
Is this a common problem? 10 to 20% of the time I start the game, I hear the pinsound board start and give it's chime, but when I start a game there is no sound. I've tried to test if I start the game early or wait to attract mode sounds might come on but there seems to be no pattern. This happens on the JP_OST_Endprodukt package but I am creating a new one and it has consistently been a problem. I have a patch cord for the higher/more stable voltage as the board wouldn't load without it (or very rarely). Any help or thoughts appreciated, J
Last reply by rezon8, -
This was posted by another customer so as you read this exchange NEO with PLUS and Batman with WCS 94 and this is the same boat I am in...... Posted January 20, 2021 Purchased Pinsound NEO, downloaded Formatted thumb drive to FAT32. Copied file to freshly formatted thumb drive Installed board in machine, inserted thumb drive, applied power. "Performing Audio Conversion Please Wait" then 3 times it says: …
Last reply by SMFG, -
- 0 replies
Hey all, I've been building sound packages for DE Jurassic Park and have come across something strange. In one music folder, the pinsound board always seems to pick the same song. Always the last file in the folder. I'm finding this very strange since it seem like the only (or at least one of the only folders) that does this. Everything else seem to be random. This folder (the System Failure folder) only plays once per game, but I've played it many times and it's always the same. The other folders, seem to be random, even in the music folder. In the System Failure folder though, it's always the last file; I know this because I've changed the order of the …
Last reply by System-J, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Installed the PinSound Board v.1 in D.E. Star Wars. It makes the game incredible. Way better than the factory sounds. Sometimes the sound works and sometimes it does not. If the game sits idle and on for awhile then when a game is started no sound. Sometimes when you first turn the game on, wait for the Pinsound start up complete sounds, no sound. Have to re-boot machine. Other times no issues. Wondering if any suggestions.
Last reply by System-J, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Is there a way to copy all the user shaker settings from one pinsound.config-file to another?
Last reply by oradke, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I can see the original sound files from e.g. X-Files - but not for Doctor Who!? How can get the original sounds only? I love the improvements made but also need the originals only. Cheers, Ken
Last reply by Ken, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, I started another email thread specific to my pinball (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein), but I'm not getting any answers over there. So I figured I would make this question more broad than specific to that game. I'm looking for information on how I can recreate the stock sound package for a pinball into a Pinsound package. I've gotten as far as putting the sound ROMs through M1/BridgeM1 and I have all of the audio extracted. I'll get around to removing silence, looping, volume levels, and all that fun stuff. But for now I'm just looking for direction on how I can create the mapping for the sound events. The stock sound package for my pinball is incorrect, s…
Last reply by Ken, -
- 0 replies
This is my 2nd Pinsound board - 1st was installed in a Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and recently I just installed a 2nd in my Addams Family after my original sound board fried. After installing the Pinsound board in my TAF and loading up the original sound set, just like MSF I'm finding that the original sound set is not correct. It's playing sound clips that it shouldn't, the volume varies from clip to clip, and sometimes the sounds run together and/or stop playing prematurely. This is not extensive, and are just the differences I've noticed after playing for 5 minutes. Can someone please explain to me who is creating the original sound sets and what process they're…
Last reply by slizzap, -
- 0 replies
I formatted the scan disk , upl Oaded the firmware , put on the captain version 1 .25 it's gone through the motions , the lady came on but I never get anything after verifying the song files ? I'm at a loose any help would be appreciated
Last reply by Weeedoggie, -
- 0 replies
What settings should I place my PinSound so I can hear the voices over the BG Music and other game effects? I can hear the voices.. but they are significantly lower. This is on the BoP original sound pack. TYIA
Last reply by molarmedic, -
- 0 replies
will this work for my virtual pin cab also how and where do i put the files thank you in advance do they just go onto a altsound file does the folder need to be the same as the rom folder? probably the simple questions but would like to know
Last reply by houseofhayne, -
- 0 replies
Hi all My JM pin gives this message on the DMD on startup "soundboard interface error" I have installed the sound package which seemed to take forever but nonetheless is all there when I check it on my PC however no sound apart from the startup wav is coming through my speakers when I start a game. everything works fine if I put the old soundboard back in and I have tried reseating the cable several times when the pinsound board in situ. Any Ideas welcomed. thx Col
Last reply by ColyWobbles, -
I'm posting as m00dawg2 since I can't seem to dig up my old credentials (whoops). I'm the creator of the STTNG Anthology soundpack and have been working on adding some extras to it this weekend as I finally brought my TNG back to working order. Additions are at the bottom of this post for the curious. In any case, since I last used Pinsound there's now a Studio Pro (Windows only alas) to replace the old studio? Having some issues since Studio Pro doesn't seem to recognize the old sound packs. Anyone know if there is a converter available? I made the mistake of upgrading my firmware which seems to have also reset some of my gain settings and it seems Pro will allow me…
Last reply by MMG, -
- 7 replies
I'm looking for a brilliant solution to the problem of easily identifying sound packages on the same USB when switching by lowering volume to zero. As there is no visual or good audio indicator, and I can never remember where I am in the sequence to count, and I am thinking it needs to be an audio cue. [You can open up the back of the machine, take out the USB stick, read the pinsound-self-diagnosis.txt file and it WILL tell you which Sound Package is currently the "(active)" one, so all hope is not lost, BUT that's a royal pain in the but to do but once in a while. And damned if I am going to keep a "score" card (pun intended) that I tick off each time I chang…
Last reply by MMG, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I received the pin sound ultimate package last week. I installed everything on my GNR Data East pin, updated the sound card with the latest firmware and installed the sound packs preloaded on thumb drive from you guys. On the shaker motor board all lights light up correctly, but shaker motor does not work. I checked the wiring 6 times, and I still cannot get it to work? Sound packs and sound card work as it should but no shaker motor. Thanks, Derek
Last reply by nicolas, -
- 1 reply
Hi all. I just installed my Pinsound + and pinsound speakers/sub. I am having issues with the volume. For some reason, no matter what sound package I use, I cannot seem to get any sounds (music or voices) loud enough. I have my dials on the pinsound + board adjusted, and the pin volume set at 26 and still isn't very loud. I have updated firmware, reinstalled different packages and still can't figure it out Also, I try downloading the Hawknole version (it won't download), and I try the Wool version (I saw it on youtube, but my music doesn't start like it does on the youtube video. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! K…
Last reply by Lotmamordun, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, New Pinsound user. I recently bought a Pinsound to replace a problematic sound board for a Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I intend to swap between sound sets, but I definitely favor the original sound set. After playing my stock game for the past year I can quickly tell that the original 1995 sound set that's available for download on this board is very incorrect/incomplete. To name just a few off the top of my head: The "FRANKENSTEEEEIIIINNNN" sound clip upon starting a game is missing The two sound clips that play at game over ("She's dead" and "All that I once loved lies in a shallow grave") is missing Creature multiball is off. It normal…
Last reply by slizzap, -
- 4 replies
I can download but the my PC tells me the file is "invalid" and it won't upload to pinsound. Any advice greatly appreciated!!
Last reply by LAC, -
- 2 replies
After loads and loads of tries I just cant download any sound packs for my Getaway. They stop at random and says download complete but they are not. Only two I managed to download are Baby driver and the ZZ top version. All other fails. Tried Chrome and Firefox. 1000mbit download speed and I can download larger files from other places without issues. I see I´m not the only one having issues by looking at this forum. Regards Göran
Last reply by helios, -
- 1 reply
A little help please, an alternative link? I've been trying to download the file the last 24 hours, tried about 30 times, gets to about 500 something MB of 666mb then says finished. The following don't let you finish downloading them: Doctor_Who_13_Doctors_V1.2.zip665.74 MB · 227 downloads Doctor Who 13Doctors New 13 doctors orchestration based upon the modern mix and the 12 doctors mix. By
Last reply by gerald, -
A little tip: When you select a new sound theme let your pinball say One, two, three...
by Boombeast- 5 replies
Hello, I have a Terminator 2 Pinball, when you select a theme, a different sound by pressing "0" you always hear "Way to go!". In other words, you don't hear directly witch sound theme you select. I have made new "Way to go!" files. I downloaded a countdown timer from youtube. Converted that to wav. I cut that in smaller pieces, so you have "One", "two" etc. Then I grab the "Way to go" wave file en made one wave with a lady who says " one" first an than Arnie says " Way to go" The second "Two, Way to go!", "Three way to go!". and so on. It put those files in the first, second etc themes in the "Voice"- map and sub-map "Way to go!" Put those on the …
Last reply by ruedli, -
- 1 reply
Hi, there is a limit of size for the usb drive pen? We can put some bigger than 16GB? Since some new they go to 400mb/s but the minimum size is 128b. thanks
Last reply by PinSound - Marylou, -
- 1 reply
Hi, this problem is with my Data East Tales from crypt. Pinsound is ok, install is ok, I give +12V for the pinsound and the power booster too. The sound is ok until the game starts, after it become silent! Any opinion what coud be the problem. I start to go crazy! Thx
Last reply by PinSound - Marylou, -
- 1 reply
I am about to start a new project on Road Show. I downloaded the projects already made for Road Show here and they are all in OGG format. I was about to do a project entirely in WAV. In fact, I already did 5-6 files that way. Can I keep doing them in WAV or do I absolutely need OGG format?
Last reply by nicolas, -
- 1 reply
Bonjour, J'ai un soucis avec mon junkyard depuis la mise en place de la carte pinsound +. les sons ne ce terminé pas il a plein de coupure. Impossible d'entendre jusque au bout. j'ai téléchargé le dernier firmware et mis le pack de son original. J'ai même reformaté la carte et réinstaller. rien ne marche si quelqu'un a déjà eu ce problème ou une solution à me conseiller. Avec l'ancienne carte pas de soucis. J'ai pris le pack ultime donc la carte vidéo et les hauts parleurs son neuf. Merci de votre aide 🙏🙏
Last reply by PinSound - Marylou, -
- 4 replies
Downloaded and installed Julian GNR 42. Installed the usb drive. Powered up game. It beeps seven times and a female voice says "performing audio conversion, please wait." Over and over again..... No G and R but some elevator music. Do I have bad files, Corruption, bad board? 30 minutes and still nothing. Any suggestions to what is going or not going on?
Last reply by KING-HENRY, -
- 1 reply
Bonjour, Je viens de racheter le Simpson de Baptiste. Celui qui vient de créer les voix française pour la Pinsound sur ce même flipper. Le problème est que le shaker ne démarre pas toujours. Nous avons remplacé le cable qui relie la Pinsound au shaker, mise à jour de la P-S mais rien ne change. Tous les voyants s'allument mais la lumière bleu n'oscille pas. J'ai même changé de carte Pinsound+ avec mon AFM car la P-S simpson était la v2.3 et celle de l'AFM 3.6 mais sans aucune différence. Pouvez-vous m'aider svp car c'est vraiment très embêtant. Merci
Last reply by nicolas, -
- 2 replies
hello la communité, je suis tout nouveau possesseur d'une pinsound + monter sur The Simpsons Pinball Party. L'installation c'est bien passé, la mise à jour également. le problème viens lors de l'installation du mix d'origine ou le mix proposé par baptiste sur le site communautaire. Je suis les indications du guide pinsound mais au moment de l'extraction au bout d'un moment la voix de la pinsound m'indique que l'extraction a échoué et du coup aucun son du mix au démarrage de la partie forcément, par contre le fichier boot.wav lui démarre bien. (donc aucun problème de son au niveau de la carte ou des hp) Donc j'ai décidé d'extraire l'ensemble des fichiers po…
Last reply by PinSound - Marylou, -
- 0 replies
Hey All, I just got the pinsound plus for Elvis but did anyone else have issues with converting any of the music off the USB? I tried all the community dowloads, different usb drives but no luck so far. I do have another issue when the system boots up, the color DMD doesnt come on. If I revert my changes with cabling, everything is fine. EDIT- this is now working - I rotated the cpu 😕 yes yes i know - take pictures before performing any work Thanks
Last reply by pinballmonkey, -
- 0 replies
Unfortunately, I only noticed today that the sound in LotR does not run correctly. In the sound test, no sound is played in Voice Rom 4. Is this also the case for you and is it normal because it possibly gets the sounds from the pin soundboard? In the test with Voice Rom 1, 2 and 3, a sound effect is played in each test (seems little to me?). Best Regards
Last reply by NTB, -
- 2 replies
Hey PS community! I'm new to the owners club and just installed my pinsound into my newly resurrected DE JP. Loving the upgrade but on startup where it usually says 'welcome to Jurassic park' it will play 2 of the voice files instead of just 1. I know I could just delete all but one file in the directory to probably fix this, but I noticed on YouTube vids that other people's pinsound doesn't seem to have this problem. Anyone encounter this problem and/or have advice to fixing it? -J
Last reply by PinSound - Marylou, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Title says it all..I just received my pinsound plus, yet I do not have a 3.0 USB flash drive...would a 2.0 still work or no? thanks in advance and can't wait to play with this setup!
Last reply by PinSound - Marylou, -
- 6 replies
I recently upgraded to Pinsound. I’m trying to use the Endprodukt OST orchestration. I cannot get the file to work during game play. I know the speakers work because I hear the voice telling me the percentage progress through them. Once at 100%, it says checking audio files. It said nothing else for several hours. I did push the start button several hours after and it plays but without the audio. How long does it take to upload the files into the game? Any suggestion on why the audio will not work? Thank you I’m advance for any solutions.
Last reply by System-J, -
- 0 replies
Just installed Pinsound Plus kit and DmdLux for my WPC95-Attack from Mars... Install went great, easy to wire . Downloaded the sound file from pinsound file , installed. Rebooted Pinball, and commenced to play... Everything sounds great, looks great , except when certain events ( such as Multiball ) seems like the sound cuts out ( or missing ) of alot of the action sounds.... Dowloaded the file again from site, new USB drive, then installed... Same thing.... Next, I downloaded the fan created AFM soundfile... Installed, everything fine until the big action scenes,,, Reminds me of speakers clipping out , then coming back , but on a digital scale. Machine has alw…
Last reply by Thompy, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, I've just bought two pinsound and one of theese i want to install to my Taf. I've tried to install the diffent software but for two of theese the voice tell me there is an error to unzip the software. Do you know what to do? Kind regards Dario
Last reply by Hephaistos, -
- 2 replies
Is the system down so you can't upload new orchestrations? Haven't been able to upload for weeks. Thanks.
Last reply by gerald, -
- 0 replies
Sega Apollo 13: A Mission plays the right music very well, the mission had a timer. But going out the ball the ballssaver bring the ball back to the playfield and the missionstimer ist not over. But the missionssound is over and the mainsound plays What shall I do ? I can`t shut out the ballsaver in the sega ajustments Is there is a failer in the soundpack ?
Last reply by segapin, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am new here, I live in the Netherlands :). 53 years old. Just bought the Pinsound Plus last week. I have a Terminator 2 Pinball. It sounds great, also bought the boxes. I have downloaded 5 zip files, which I found on this forum. They work. Now I want to make a mix of my own. I also used Pinsound Studio. What I want is that I want to make a new folder on the USB. So I have my own directory of my mix. What I tried is that I renamed an existing zip too for example "T2 Trance". I put it in the soundboard withe the usb. En when I look at the maps I see "T2 Trance" The only music I have changed in this is the main theme. I deleted .…
Last reply by adamross, -
- 1 reply
Good morning, I recently acquired a Pinsound+ to setup in my LOTR. The provided remix from the community are good, but I have two major issues: - They are LOUD. I mean, I have to setup the sound to 1... Anything above blows my ears - There is a major discrepancy between sound / music effects (at least on the mix I like the most) Adjusting the levels manually in Pinsound Studio is kind of a major pain, hence my questions: - Is there a SW out there that would normalize to a common level all files within a given subfolder - Once the above is done, is there a way to reset all gains from pinsound config file ? Would using the default config file f…
Last reply by oradke, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, I have a new shaker that i just installed. Love it already but i think it shakes to much on everything! Like just bouncing around it give shakes when hitting almost all targest, bumpers, going in outlanes and swiches etc.... I thought it would be shaking when missing or events etc.... Can this be changes ? I looked at the Pinsound studio pro but thats only when a sound is played you can change how it react. Im thinking this is some default settings ? My system is a STTNG and using current soundpack Ultimate by Pinballshark 1.0.0 HELP! :-)
Last reply by oradke, -
- 0 replies
Hey Pinsound and Forum, I own a Pinsound+ for a little more than a year and I was very satisfied with it, but I have a sound issue for a few days now. I built the board into my Tommy The Who. Sound and music work fine on startup, but something like 2 minutes into the game, there's no more sound at all while the game continues. I first thought it was just a loose connector on the sound board, but when I simply switch off and on again, sound is back. Well for a few minutes. Any ideas on what could cause this ? Thanks,
Last reply by Rappy, -
- 2 replies
Purchased Pinsound NEO, downloaded Formatted thumb drive to FAT32. Copied file to freshly formatted thumb drive Installed board in machine, inserted thumb drive, applied power. "Performing Audio Conversion Please Wait" then 3 times it says: "Error Encountered During Audio Conversion" then it says: "Checking USB Flash Drive Please Wait" then 3 times it says: "There Are No Sound Files On The USB Flash Drive" Tried another USB Thumb Drive... same problem. Tried a third USB Thumb Drive... same problem. Erased partition on thumb drive and created a new simpl…
Last reply by Christopher, -
Overlapping sound effects on No Fear
by Guest- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi. I've had some troubles with my no fear pinball machine. The pinsound card works great, I have nothing bad to sya about it. But there's a few sound effects that overlap with each other, mainly the explosions or when the game selects the mystery award. Is there any way you can get rid of this inconvenience ? (This goes for both the original and my mix)
- 0 replies
Hi I noticed several sfx files do not work. There are also some voice files that do not work. Specifically sfx: the chair shot sounds when you hit the tag button. This should happen when you hit it up the left side behind the undertaker targets. Voice: no 1, 2, 3 count when you need to make the tag
Last reply by Mattyk695, -
- 1 reply
Hi I’m totally new here and would love a Tmnt data East sound package, help with creating one from scratch, or if one already exists I’d love a link. Any clues or development on this so far?
Last reply by ekka, -
- 0 replies
So I’m working with the “ted’s” files for this game both legacy and custom mix, and both have an issue where the sound fx that play after a drain while the bonus is displayed starts but cuts out and continues playing the normal music. Any idea on how I can get it to play through? I verified the Was sound is complete in the sfx folder and it starts but does not play through the complete bonus screen as it should. Help!
Last reply by martimagico, -
- 2 replies
Hi everybody (hi dr Nick!) This is my first time posting here after installing a pinsound plus board in my Gnr, using Julien42's mix. So far, I am speechless about the result: it exceeds what I expected ! There was something peculiar on my first playthrough though : not only did the music change (well, duh!), but also the GI "effects"' on a few mods. Which is weird for me, because I did not know that the GI/flashers were "driven" by the sound board. This is pretty obvious during the Duff Rocks mode: the GI behind the backbox, as well as the "jackpot" flasher of the R ramp, are "pulsating" at the same frequency as the "duff" lamp. Is there somethi…
Last reply by mozach, -
- 0 replies
Hello Nicolas and Timothee, Is RFM going to become compatible with PinSound anytime soon? I think mine needs a better sound Thanks in advance, Daniel
Last reply by pekilica,