Work In Progress
Let's talk about new sound packs
42 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Looking for the nwo mix that I have seen on YouTube. Does anyone have it and is willing to share it with me. I'm having difficulties trying to make a mix myself. Very frustrated:(
Last reply by Disk0man, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I am working on a Two Steps From Hell version on my LOTR. Starting from the original sound pack and changing the music by TSFH. Epic music for an epic pinball machine. Here is a first test run. Grtz
Last reply by FabR1, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Anyone have a sound pack for BK2K or are there plans to come out with one?
Last reply by BKMCCORD, -
- 0 replies
Hi, here is a mix I'm working on featuring techno Doctor Who theamed music by Orbital. Mostly done-ish, so feedback appreciated. Doctor Who
Last reply by uxb666, -
yo, just wanted to ask if anyone knows if I can safely test a work-in-progress Star Wars Trilogy sound pack in my Williams Congo? I wouldn't think it would be a problem if the file system is the same..but good to ask before I try it in Congo w/ the Pinsound Plus board. Any XP on this?
Last reply by KING-HENRY, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello, Does anyone know if there is there going to be support for F-14 Tomcat? I would buy the board in a heartbeat. This pin really screams out for a really good soundtrack.
Last reply by System-J, -
- 4 replies
Pinsound says the its audio cards are compatible with Space Jam. But without any files or even file structure, I'm not sure where I would begin after buying the card and installing it. Has anyone go the card for their Space Jam Pin? If so, please share if there was a workable solution out there somewhere. Thanks! -ekimpinball
Last reply by cltatty, -
- 2 replies
Is there any packs out there for nba fastbreak ?
Last reply by Disk0man, -
- 0 replies
Greetings, I took Hawknole's great sound pack and edited the volume of all of the music, and a handful of random sounds that were far too loud and distracting during game play. Let me know what you think. Enjoy. If you notice anything that is still too loud, let me know and I'll fix it.TZ_hawknole - Scroat Chris (Scroat)
Last reply by Scroat, -
- 2 replies
Seeking feedback/suggestions on my remix. Mostly love the OST, but wanted stereo output, so ran the music files through Izotope's Ozone Imager.
Last reply by duebelkiste, -
- 2 replies
Currently working with Doctor who but seem to not have all the original sounds? Where is the Master's voice and laugh?
Last reply by Devorian, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I try to do my a mix for Monster Bash. This is my first try. I need help to adjust gain. Please feel free to give me help and tell me your opinion.
Last reply by Laithan, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, got a Black Rose with Pinsoundboard 1. I have now downloaded the Black_Rose_Original.pspack file from the PINSOUND homepage. Create a fresh USB stick with FAT32 and save the file. USB stick in and PIN on. The message is: There are no sound files available. It works with the ZIP files from the Pinsound Community... But I want the original from the PINSOUND site. What am I doing wrong ? Thanks for a note... Bernd
Last reply by Bernd99, -
- 3 replies
TFTC, anything out there? i see 3 mixes available. wondering if i should buy a pinsoud for my pin like i did on y Getaway. is it worth it with the current mixes? thx
Last reply by Crispy77, -
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New TFTC halloween lite mix. Working on a full version. TFTC_Crispy77_halloween_lite_v0.77.rar
Last reply by Crispy77, -
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Hello, I bought a pinsound+ for my Sopranos. unfortunately the original files are really bad. a lot of white noise in the speech and the short tones. Has anyone ever exchanged or revised the files and would send it to me? thanks, Florian
Last reply by FGHenke, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks... Very disappointed - got my PinSound+ installed only to find out that the Star Wars sound pack from the community was only the default ROM sound. Has anyone done an enhanced sound pack?? Help! I do not have the time nor inclination to try learn how to program it on my own... Thanks for any help in advance in advance!
Last reply by PhaserOnStun, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone...I just completed the music replacement for Demolition Man..What a drastic improvement over the stock music from this pin..I used the original soundtrack, from the film, and did some pretty fancy editing-and coorilating the similarities from the score to the particular events/music in the machine. I will upload soon, and this is v.1 so if anyone sees/hears an issue, just let me know, and I can fix it...It really makes playing Demo Man so much more fun, and exciting...I'm a film composer myself, so I found this to be enjoyable to bring that aspect of my life, into the pinball world! Regards-King Henry
Last reply by mikeparkins, -
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Hi there, Last year, I've downloaded this special mix for Roadshow, version 0.3.1 JPR, but I sadly encountered the bug of sound loop when you go to Bob's souvenir (see below). So I've repackaged the whole thing based on the lastest Original version from and decreased music volumes to 50%. I've just seen there 's a 0.3.2 JPR released version with OGG files, but mine is still a full WAV files version, so it's pretty heavy (728Mb). Enjoy though. Samuel
Last reply by Samuel49, -
- 17 replies
[Traduction Française ci-dessous] Hello the Pinsound-players, After more than one year of work, I am announcing the release of the Mix for Simpson Stern for the end of 2020. It is almost finished and under test. Programming for the Shaker is also complete. The mix will be in voice of American origin AND in French !!!!!? See you soon? Baptiste Bonjour les Pinsoundiens flippés, Suite à plus d'un an de travail, j'annonce pour cette fin d'année 2020 la sortie du Mix pour Simpson Stern. Il est quasi terminé et en cours de test. La programmation du Shaker est également terminée. Le mix sera en voix d'origine Américaine ET en…
Last reply by Baptiste, -
- 6 replies
New modern soundpack for this great pin. Updated song list and new sound effects. Tracklist: It's So Easy Welcome To The Jungle Locomotive Estranged Nightrain Sweet Child O' Mine Paradise City You Could Be Mine Perfect Crime Back Off Bitch Civil War Right Next Door To Hell Mr Brownstone Don't Damn Me Rocket Queen - Mission music replaced. - Multiball music replaced. - Updated sound FX. - Ball launch music loops. - Ball drain music clips. + Lots of other stuff. Added to download section (pending approval) Temporary dow…
Last reply by lpgnr, -
Doctor Who
by dendoc- 22 replies
I'm in the process of uploading my Dr Who remix. London Symphony Orchestra playing the origianl TV theme, and a techno mix during ball lock and multiball. I've kept the original end of ball themes as these are hard to duplicate, but the game music sounds great. Had to zip the files, but I'll have to see if they ended up in the right folders. I've sorted how to use the pinsound card and USB, now have sort out this sharing thing!
Last reply by Whovian, -
- 30 replies
Hi to all, I just got my pinsound card few days ago after about 6 months waiting, so I can't wait to get things started! I'm currently trying to work on getting a remixed soundtrack for the Addams Family pinball and was wondering if there would be other people interested in this project. I was really entusiat about the Slamtilt 25th year edtion remix, but it seems it's a bit broken for now (still I salute slamtilt effort and use his work as a valuable source) Too many sounds running at the same time, loops that are not the proper lenghth or just can't loop properly. Sound effects used repetively, quotes with background music in it or too different from the original…
Last reply by Christophe.verdavoir, -
- 0 replies
Just installed my board and speakers this weekend - loving them! Like many others I appreciate the DCS mix but the nostalgia of Golden Earring playing is just too strong for me to make the leap. Over the weekend i was reading a either a Pinside or Reddit post where a few people said they had a mix that replaced the bed music in the DCS mix with cleaned up Golden Earring audio. Anything like this actually exist and if so anyone know where to grab it from before I start trying to do it myself? Thanks!
Last reply by dsauter, -
- 0 replies
Just installed my board and speakers this weekend - loving them! Like many others I appreciate the DCS mix but the nostalgia of Golden Earring playing is just too strong for me to make the leap. Over the weekend i was reading a either a Pinside or Reddit post where a few people said they had a mix that replaced the bed music in the DCS mix with cleaned up Golden Earring audio. Anything like this actually exist and if so anyone know where to grab it from before I start trying to do it myself? Thanks!
Last reply by dsauter, -
- 17 replies
Working on it, available this week...
Last reply by lpgnr, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hi! I am currently working on a reorchestration/re-sound design on Bram Stokers Dracula. Since I am a big fan of the movie, I am for now using most of the moviesoundtrack istead of the original score by Paul Heitsch, witch is awesome, but unfortunately a bit dated soundwise . Maybe later I will take the time to reorchestrate it. But, the movie soundtrack also works really great. I am also creating multiple layers of new sounds and samples. Trying to make it more exiting with real sounds and effects instead of the mono synth-effects. All new samples and effects are really dynamic and in stereo! I`m able to extract the dialouge call outs from the mo…
Last reply by Boyce919, -
- 13 replies
Hello Pinsound community !! Ended mix Batman Data East OST. Rest some small corrections before download on the forum. I REALLY REALLY wished to pay tribute to Tim Burton, to his movie Batman, to the pinball machine Batman DE, and it is in this spirit that I worked this mix of best which I was able to!! 100 % of sounds, voices, and musics come from the movie. The subject of this video is not to present the pinball machine, nor to make a very high score, but to present the mix and its musics, voices, etc... so with some breaks, ball on flippers. Thanks to Batman and Tim Burton ! Thanks Pinsound !!! Bonjour à toute la communauté des Pinsoundiens !! Mix OST Batm…
Last reply by, -
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Hey there, i´m looking for a T3 Soundset, if there is anybody having a nice soundmix for this awesome machine, i would highly apreciate an Info/PM. Thanks for sharing ;-)
Last reply by Jim-Beam, -
- 1 reply
heres a corvette pinsound ive been woring on, hope someone enjoys it!AtHETK_Td0qKij1Iu-qRX0iR6FWJ?e=nYiTB8
Last reply by trizoneGB, -
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Hi guys, Just received my pinsound that I specifically bought to create a mix for my Radical. Question is; from what I gathered I need a psrec file to check what triggers what and for how long. How can I get that for Radical? I already tried replacing each music with a specific song but that screws up the system. (I went head on trying to figure things by myself) Now following this guide: So, any idea?
Last reply by nihonmasa, -
- 5 replies
somebody can do the theatre of magic pinsound ? i dint know how to do it i dont like theatre of magic 1995 original one thx
Last reply by Snwstrm, -
- 3 replies
This file (an the other one alternate) can not be downloaded correctly. The files are much smaller than in the description and are damaged.
Last reply by Nutty 5.0, -
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An alternative Sound Package I created for Stern Elvis. Mainly just some additional options for the ball 2 and beyond tune and the end of game match tune but at least you get a bit of variation for balls 2 and 3 (and 4 and 5 I guess if you have 4 or 5 ball play set up in options!) and if you are lucky enough to get the match. I have tried to normalize the sound levels across the tracks but occasionally sound level will spike on particular tracks for no apparent reasons so that may or may not be down to my individual set up. Let me know if you have issues too please. Enjoy! Andy P.S. I put in an Easter egg of a track in which is not by Elvis b…
Last reply by Andy B, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, I am using the RockVocals mix from Mr Tantrum, love the real ZZTop music. Unfortunately I get random increase of volume of the music during some triggered events, like really loud increases. I haven't noticed much consistency yet, but it seems to happen during at stoplight changes and sometimes with the video mode. I'm using the Pinsoiund v14 and have the latest firmware loaded. Any ideas on what could be causing it or how to fix it?
Last reply by Tschaco, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Hi! Been working on my Frankenstein pinsound mix. Man, this is time consuming, we are talking days and days of work! Replaced most of the sound effects, quotes, voices and music with the originals from the movie. Robert De Niro is now the main monster scream source! Now, the sega/data east games really lack the ammount of soundtriggers that for instance my williams BSD has, so therefore I had to figure out how to implement more sounds and call outs, and background efffects. Like in the STONING mode, there is now an angry mob taunting and screaming at the monster during the mode. And in LYNCH JUSTINE mode you can hear the angry mob, original music and J…
Last reply by Hazzard, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I made a funky/deep house mix for TZ. I am really happy with the final result: everything play very smooth. The music genre is very specific, I am a funky and house music fan, and I know this genre have a very tiny audience. There are many of my favourite tracks, and the main one is composed by myself: so this is my very personal dream soundtrack. It took quite a bit to set everything fine (especially looping and volume levels), but it was great fun! a discussion also on The Pinball Narcissist:
Last reply by Phantasize, -
- 25 replies
Hey. Working on IJ as a filler atm. So what will this be: - Exact (as possible) reorchestration of the EXISTING pinball soundtrack, using the OST and original reorchestrated tracks that are not in the movies (Tank Chase, Well of Souls for example). I'm using world class virtual instruments to do the orchestra. I don't want to change the experience that Chris Granner gave us with his soundtrack. - Most of the speech and fx extracted in HD from the Bluray editions of the Movies and also from some of the games. FAQ: Q: Why are you doing this? DCS sounds great to me! A: Yes. It does sound really good. Q: Is it worth the effort? A: Probably not. Q: Will t…
Last reply by okgrak, -
- 11 replies
Here are my 2 offerings for DESW. I'm open to suggestions if there is a problem or ideas for improvement. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
Last reply by Vader77, -
- 0 replies
I uploaded an old GnR that I use in my machine. Just trying to give back. I love the PinSound board and the ability to customize.
Last reply by GoodManners, -
by Endprodukt- 12 replies
I havn't started yet, so nothing to hear, but I will do a complete Whiter Water reorchestration. The voice of Wet Willy will be Warren Davis who did the original voice back in the 90's. Stay tuned, I will post speechsamples as soon as I get them. Olli
Last reply by john17a, -
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Will there ever be a Back to the futire dat east orignal legacy mix put up. Would love to try to make my own mix
Last reply by TechWizard0018,