The Lord of the Rings
14 files
LOTR_Pinball Theatre 2025
By guppy
Amélioration du Woolmix par Pinball Theatre avec Reaper de Cockos :
Dans music:
1299595184-mission_theme_4 : équalisation (EQ) et augmentation du gain sonore
1458484685-mission_theme_3 : : EQ et augmentation du gain sonore
1675102716-detroy_the_ring : "end_of_all_things" modifié et bouclé
3317424325-balrog : EQ
3352723632-mission_sarumane : Gain augmenté et EQ
3671254577-ents : "Ents 3" modifié, bouclé, ajout de dialogues et EQ
3777343418-multiball_2_towers : ajout de la variation "Helm's deep loop" qui est bouclé
4016056525-multiball_fellowship : Gain augmenté et EQ
0071824227-balrog_intro : "balrog_drums intro" allongé pour éviter la coupure avant fin de la séquence et "balrog_drums intro alt" ajouté en alternative
Dans sfx : 1916201971-win_arrow : "door close bass boosted 1, 2 & 3" EQ pour plus de basses
Dans single : 2451162238-hurry : final_battle niveau sonsore boosté afin de plus ressortir lors de la phase où les bobines claquent toutes.
Woolmix Improvements By Pinball Theatre with Cockos' Reaper :
In music:
1299595184-mission_theme_4 : equalization (EQ) and increase of the sound gain
1458484685-mission_theme_3 : : EQ and increase of the sound gain
1675102716-detroy_the_ring : "end_of_all_things" modified, longer and looped
3317424325-balrog : EQ
3352723632-mission_sarumane : Increased gain and EQ
3671254577-ents : "Ents 3" modified, looped, added dialogues and EQ
3777343418-multiball_2_towers : added the variation "Helm's deep loop" which is looped
4016056525-multiball_fellowship : Gain increased and EQ
0071824227-balrog_intro : "balrog_drums intro" lengthened to avoid cutting before the end of the sequence and "balrog_drums intro alt" added as an alternative
In sfx : 1916201971-win_arrow : "door close bass boosted 1, 2 & 3" EQ for more bass
In single : 2451162238-hurry : final_battle boosted sound level to stand out more during the phase where the coils all hit.
Youtube Video :
LOTR Safaex - A complete workthrough, all legacy sound effects updated
By safaex
This project used Shoend's and Wools's work as a base to build on, so huge credit to them for their hard work. The main objective was to replace all legacy sound effects (all except the dedicated callouts, unless you could hire the original cast...). This makes game progression more dynamic and rewarding, bringing back a great deal of the feel you get with newer pins. Clocking in at around 150 hours of editing, here's a short list of what's new.
Around 150 new sound effects (and some voice lines).
About 15 new music tracks and snippets from the original soundtrack, making the game feel fresh again.
Big effort into making mode progression and multiballs more dynamic and rewarding.
Gone are the days of the horny elk and stupid bounce VUK sound effects, and Destroy the Ring has become a truly psychological challenge. Finally, we have proper tilt warning sounds instead of the flimsy beep sounds, and if you would tilt out, there are now several new insulting sounds and voice lines, making you feel more ashamed than ever.
There might still be some small niggles to work out, especially some volume balancing so I expect to release an update or 2 in the future.
By B_DUB_311
This is a little mix I came up with using "The wool and Sjoend" mixes, removing what I didn't like. Then adding a lot more new audio and content of my own liking to the mix. Hence the name "REMIX." I suggest turning off (feature adjustment #26. Allow volume effects NO) on your game. This will even out the levels of the callouts. A couple audio callouts on Two Towers and the warg mission are a bit loud. This was created before I knew about the volume effects setting. I will fix eventually and update the version here once complete. Hope you enjoy!
lord of the rings LOTR AlGrenadine VF
By AlGrenadine
Salut à tous,
Voici ma VF, basée sur la Baker effect VF. C'est pour l'instant la même que la Baker effect mais avec une douzaine de dialogues Français en plus
J'y ajoute au fur et à mesure les fichier en Français manquants, n'hésitez pas à me signaler ceux qui manquent encore
Merci à Cyberpunk81800 pour son précieux travail
Bonjour à tous !
Voici mon pack VF pour le flipper The Lord Of The Rings de Stern !
Celui-ci m'aura demandé 120 à 150 heures de travail.
Je tiens d'ailleurs à dédicacer ce pack à mon père qui m'aura fourni les fichiers (films et BO) et qui est malheureusement décédé durant sa conception.
Si vous souhaitez me récompenser, vous pouvez me faire une donation paypal du montant de votre choix sur ce lien.
Je vous souhaite dors-et-déjà un bon amusement !
N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos avis !
- lord of the rings
- vf
- (and 3 more)
LOTR sound package with some modifs with sounds of Two Steps From Hell
By Lotmamordun
I kept the original sound pack and modified only the multiballs and modes with music from TSFH. Some will find this blasphemy, others may like it.
Try it out !!! Epic music for an epic pinball machine ;o)
(You can always revert back to the original).
LOTR Baker effect VF
(LOTR) VF 1.02
Fait à partir du mixage version « LOTR_Sjoend » merci !!
Pinsound plus
Manque quelques lignes de dialogue Fr.
By Sjoend
I first want to thank The Wool for creating his mix with all the great music & SFX clips which was the starting point for my mix. I own a Pinsound+ board and unfortunately The Wool mix is not perfect for the Pinsound+ board due to volume issues. I've adjusted all the volumes and made some changes to the music & SFX's, I hope you enjoy this mix as much as I do.
One Mix to rule them all ;-)
LOTR Hawknole Pure
By hawknole
Based on some feedback, I have revised my original LOTR hawknole mix and taken out all non-LOTR music. I sourced some new LOTR music and made some minor tweaks to some of the existing sound files. Download and enjoy!
By hawknole
I worked many hours on this mix. I did visit all the sound files in all the folders during my research. I changed about 30% of the files in some form or another while still trying to keep true to the theme and the movies. A shout out to both the LOTR_OST mix and The Wool mix as I used some material from each. I also added some new music and sounds. I hope you enjoy.
LOTR The Wool
By thewool
Aloha Pinheads!
Welcome to v1 of my LOTR film mix! I took the existing OST mix as a base but I would say that 99% of this has now been changed including:
- all new musiC from the films: each mode is authentic to the film scene, also some plenty of music has been added
- modes which use layered music (e.g. Escape the ringwraithes), use the authentic layered music appropriately
- where appropriate samples were replaced with HQ speech from film's isolated channel, some new speech also added
- tonnes of new sound effects
- all sorts of new jingles such as skill shot, end of ball, etc.
Lots of original sounds remain, some it makes no sense to try and replace
Please leave some feedback in the Pinside thread. I'm open to make it better so any ideas of constructive criticism drop me a note.
Hope you enjoy it, now on to Mordor!!