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Jurassic Park

6 files

  1. DE JP OST22

    Data East Jurassic Park – Original Soundtrack 2022
    by System-J
    YouTube gameplay with the OST22:
    Plus lots more vids on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxsFnc-rBO-nBsMzuLhceOQ/
    I've changed the folder names and added and left a lot of note files for anyone wanted to make there own in the future. I spent months. MONTHS, finding what each file is for, including plenty of mysteries that have yet to be solved. Some sfx and call outs you might only hear once every 100 games; I have a stack of notes for this game that would cover a whole home arcade room floor.
    If you like this sound package please check out my website: https://systemjpinball.ca/ . I'm planning to release a set of re-written Rule Cards for DE-JP and will have an accompanying Strategy Page.
    Credit: This sound package is built up and out from Endprodukt's original OST and there is lot's of his fingerprints all over it (including possibly his voice in some files). His original OST was great and is definitely worth checking out. And of course none of this would be worth any beans if it weren't for the amazing OST from John Williams and the callout from the actors. This sound package is a love letter to a great Movie.
    I also have a "Guns and Dino's" version if you are a Guns and Roses fan.
    Oh god, so many to list. My endeavor was small to begin with but has turned into a rabbit hole of 'ooo, what would this sound like'. I knew I wanted to add emphasis to the big moments of the game like MB's and jackpots. I also knew I wanted to make the T-Rex modes and eating more epic. From there it turned into how can I make the modes more individual and have there own character. I think I succeeded. It was very tricky to balance the sound this way though and you might find that some sfx and call out are too quiet—this is a result of the 'big' parts of the game sounding epic (read: louder) and I've tried to balance it as much as I can.
    -most of the music has been moved around. Including keeping the best “buh buh, buh BuH...” parts for the chaos MB and jackpots.
    -lots of new quotes added and existing ones moved around or deleted. Some call outs are in places for effect, some are in some places because after viewing the movie so many times looking for good sound bites, sfx, and music, I wanted to pay homage to some of my favourite parts of the movie (and I'm now a much bigger fan of the movie).
    -added call outs to some music files: for instance when the ramp shot is lit, there's now a callout as even though there's blinking lights, it's not always obvious.
    -added music to some call out and sfx: for instance to make the trex eating more epic I added a music peak to it that sometimes is continued with the 'screaming' (from being eaten by the T-rex)
    -added and changed a lot of the dino targets (and for the love of all things dinosaur, please get all those targets working; this game sucks when (those frustrating) targets don't work): researching this has also personally enhanced my dino vocabulary as now I know what a Gallimimus, Herrerasaurus and Baryonxy are.
    -multiples of almost everything. Keeps the game fresh and new every game. This includes new music and sounds to attract mode.
    -levelled some track to enhance external sub use. (I'm especially proud of the stampede mode when using a sub. Highly recommend.
    -lots of other things that I have forgotten.
    -(somewhat) fixed an attract issue that mad_carl from Pinside pointed out that there was some 'clicking'. I found it and reduced it as much as I could. This was a custom track that Endprodukt must've made because I couldn't source a clean copy of it.
    -lot's of existing hidden sfx gain levels.
    I don't know if I'm done, but I seemed at a spot where I was playing around with things and I wasn't sure if I was making things better or worse, so I backtracked a bit and cleaned up this version to share. I hope you all enjoy.
    PS: I'm also working on custom version where I was playing around with other music ...like from bands, that might feel a bit blasphemous to some out there. I'm not even sure how I feel about it, that's why I kept this one fairly authentic to the original movie. There might be a few surprises if you play enough though. I hope you all enjoy.
    Disregard the 1.0.2 duplicate of this info. It was a rookie mistake and you can't seem to edit the text on the update notes.



  2. JP_VF_GSX

    Une version où toutes les voix sont remplacées par des voix françaises et les musiques ont été ajustées pour correspondre.
    Une piste un peu spéciale et a été mise pour le system failure.
    C'est une v1 il me reste quelques modifications à faire mais mon flipper étant actuellement injouable je ne peux pas le finir
    A version where all the voices are replaced by the french one and the musics are adjusted to correspond to the missions.
    A special music was placed for the system failure.
    This is a v1. There are modifications left to be perfect for me but my pinball is out for now so i can't finish it now



  3. JP: Guns and Dinos

    Jurassic Park (Data East): Guns and Dinos by System-J
    Credit: This sound package is built up and out from Endprodukt's original OST and there is lot's of his fingerprints all over it (including possibly his voice in some files).
    Warning: May contain music from Guns and Roses
    Welcome to the Jungle, Baby! You're going to Die! Yes, I got the idea to add GNR simply from this lyric (I feel your eye rolls, more than half of you). I've really kept the GNR music (a few songs from Appetite) for multi ...errr, "Tri-balls" err... anything more than 1 ball. There's also some surprise clips here and there. 
    If you like this sound package and would like to buy me a beer or just a couple games at my local barcade, please donate @ https://paypal.me/systemjpinball . Very much appreciated if you do. I am surprised that there isn't more sound packages for games that are shared. If there's more of a gratitude culture out there I bet more would be. Also, make sure you send me your email as if I do any future versions I'll be sure to pass them on.
    Built on from my OST22 JP version. I've changed the main theme back to the one Endprodukt used (in the OST22 it's used more sparingly for Tri-Ball as a build up effect). But other than that most of the JP music and call outs are in the same place they are in the OST22 except of course for the GNR tracks.
    -added GNR songs (I'll let them be a surprise what and where, but like I said earlier, look for MB's to be different).
    -some GNR clips for some effects.
    -added a few JP callouts in other spots since I was starting to work on a 3rd, ...4th? version (OST23?) that I'm still working on and got sidetracked with this one. So there will likely be some non-GNR surprises from the OST22 as well.
    I really tried to make the Triball and the Chaos MB interesting and a lot of time went into it. Still though it doesn't always play nice and you may get some other songs playing. Some intentional, but also some because the JP sound code will sometimes play a different track for some reason. Anyways, it's nice sometimes in it's randomness, sometimes just works incredible, but sometimes just doesn't sound right. I suggest, playing is quite a few times as it will hear different things on every game and enjoy it for what it is. Also, the further you get into the game the more GNR music you will hear.
    Hope you enjoy,



  4. DE JP OST Hybrid System-J

    This is a quick fix, tweeks and a hybrid of the EndProdukt version and the original. 
    fixed: getting double "welcome to jurassic park" triggers
    'hybrid': reverted shootout (use the launch gun trigger for bonuses when video appears) back to Legacy (EndProdukt version was a bit quiet and easy to miss).
    Lots of small changes and condensing. I got rid of some of the quotes that bugged me a bit. I think I added a few new or edited voice files as well.
    This version doesn't exist without EndProdukt's work on the package first. He did an amazing job (especially on great work like his System Failure music), I was just inspired to make a remix. This is actually an early version of a sound package I'm currently finishing up, but I now have made so many changes (to the future 2.0v) that I thought people might like something in between as a choice (and that there is a dearth of options for this great game). I don't consider this a finished product, but I used it for over a year without it bothering me so I thought someone may find it of use.
    Enjoy! and... Uh uh uh! You didn't say the magic word.



  5. JP OST Endprodukt

    JP OST by Endprodukt



  6. Jurassic_Park_1993.zip




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