5 files
Dracula Horror Mix 2.0 by Luke_Nukem
By Luke Smith
NEW VERSION 2.0! ( Make sure you download the 450.1mb version by Luke_Nukem!!!)
This mix completely transforms your machine into a dark and ominous experience!
Here is my take on BSD… I’m only giving another option for our Pinsound owners… There are already a few great alternatives out there to download (Lucy mix, Hazzard) so I went for something different….. Horror… This is around 90% done at this point.. I wanted my game to be mean… evil… as scary as possible in the dark to play without sacrificing the source or stray from the theme too much.. All of Dracula's callouts are pitched down to further enhance the grim tone that is being set here. This mix completely transforms your machine!
Enjoy and keep an eye out for my other EPIC mixes I have published (The Shadow, Johnny Mnemonic) as well as many still to come( Terminator 2, Congo, Demolition Man, Star Trek The Next Generation, and The Getaway!)
- Luke
Dracula Horror Mix by Luke Smith
The Expanded Mix - Lucy
By davebart5
Fellow Friends of Miss Lucy Westenra,
I present, The Expanded Mix - Lucy v2.0.
In this mix, you’ll witness the unfortunate unraveling of an innocent soul caught in the grips of a monster, as friends and family race to save her. The noises you'll hear throughout will identify and progress that situation.
You’ll experience daintier/lighter pre-launch intro songs and more sounds of Lucy before, during and after her attack, as well as Mina and the Dr's desperately trying to solve her mystery illness during play.
For example, the coffin shots reflect the series of events of… 1.) Lucy being bitten… 2.) Lucy explaining the attack… 3.) Lucy revealing weird health issues… 4.) Lucy freakishly lashing out… 5.) Lucy giving a final undeniable dangerous outburst… with the final coffin and castle jackpots being Lucy’s pivotal moments.
And more...
The Dracula and Lucy mixes are made from nothing other than official movie sources to capture the sounds and songs.
The mixes are to be paired together, and the player should flip between facing Dracula or Lucy, game to game, as they choose.
They share many foundational sound patterns, yet each have exclusive materials strategically placed to keep you in each adventure. The pre-launch intro music of each ball will always tell you what mix you’re on.
Nearly every action has multiple songs or call-outs to choose from, and selected/edited for cohesion together and for the theme of the moment. Some actions in the game have anywhere from 3 to 5, 15 or 25 songs to choose from, while most actions with call-outs range from 1 to 5 options to cycle through.
- The rollovers act as Drac pulling you into the castle.
- The 2 sets of spot targets are the concubines.
- Slings and left ramp you're dealing with the castle spirits.
- Right orbit and drop targets are full of wolves and growls.
- The altar consists of rats and bad memories, etc. etc. etc.
The music you hear throughout the mix is from the original soundtrack and it’s unreleased bonus tracks, but also from dozens of alternates, B and C side songs they used in the movie that did not make the soundtrack. All tracks are ethically sourced, officially licensed and high quality copies that I was super lucky to stumble upon.
Wojciech Kilar’s music score for this is incredibly beautiful, and music played a big role in the creation of the movie, so I tried to lean into that when choosing sounds for certain things.
Please enjoy, and for the dead travel fast...
- Watch the movie. You will connect some dots on the sounds chosen, and enjoy the mix more if you did.
- Use a sub with the game to get the full audio experience. I have all Pyle speakers wired for stereo, with an external sub, and my volume is usually set to 7 or 8.
- Update your Pinsound board to the latest code available on their website
- Clear your Pinsound thumb drive completely, not just drag the last mix to the trash, but a quick and easy reformat/erase to wipe all unseen saved data. Google your thumb drive and computer type to learn how.
- After you’re cleared, drop the zip file of the mix directly into your reformatted/erased thumb drive, and simply plug it into the game, turn on for processing. If you get an error sound, let it go and on the third warning it should proceed through the upload.
- Switching the ‘Volume Change’ setting #8 in the Feature Adjustments menu to ‘No’. This helps avoid the game making random volume peaks and lows I’m not fond of. I think it sounds great with this set to off.
The Expanded Mix - Dracula
By davebart5
Fellow Vampyre Hunters,
Welcome to The Expanded Mix - Dracula v2.1.
In this mix, you’re venturing into the unknown with Van Helsing as you hunt the monster himself. The noises you'll hear throughout will identify and progress that situation.
You’ll experience darker/heavier pre-launch intro songs and more sounds of Dracula with his concubines and castle spirits battling Van Helsing during play.
For example, unique to this mix, the coffin shots escalate Van Helsing’s assessment of the situation as you get further to opening the coffin mech and directly fight Dracula for the jackpot. The castle shots and locks have you facing off with the concubines and castle spirits for big jackpot shots. And much more...
Nearly every action has multiple songs or call-outs to choose from, all from the movie, and selected/edited for cohesion together and for the theme of the moment. Some actions in the game have anywhere from 3 to 5, 15 or 25 songs to choose from, while most actions with call-outs range from 1 to 5 options to cycle through.
- The rollovers act as Drac pulling you into the castle.
- The 2 sets of spot targets are the concubines.
- Slings and left ramp you're dealing with the castle spirits.
- Right orbit and drop targets are full of wolves and growls.
- The altar consists of rats and bad memories, etc. etc. etc.
The music you hear throughout the mix is from the original soundtrack and it’s unreleased bonus tracks, but also from dozens of alternates, B and C side songs they used in the movie that did not make the soundtrack. All tracks are ethically sourced, officially licensed and high quality copies that I was super lucky to stumble upon.
Wojciech Kilar’s music score for this is incredibly beautiful, and music played a big role in the creation of the movie, so I tried to lean into that when choosing sounds for certain things.
Please enjoy, and for the dead travel fast...
- Watch the movie. You will connect some dots on the sounds chosen, and enjoy the mix more if you did.
- Use a sub with the game to get the full audio experience. I have all Pyle speakers wired for stereo, with an external sub, and my volume is usually set to 7 or 8.
- Clear your Pinsound thumb drive completely, not just drag the last mix to the trash, but a quick and easy reformat/erase to wipe all unseen saved data. Google your thumb drive and computer type to learn how.
- After you’re cleared, drop the zip file of the mix directly into your reformatted/erased thumb drive, and simply plug it into the game, turn on for processing. If you get an error sound, let it go and on the third warning it should proceed through the upload.
- Switching the ‘Volume Change’ setting #8 in the Feature Adjustments menu to ‘No’. This helps avoid the game making random volume peaks and lows I’m not fond of. I think it sounds great with this set to off.
Dracula custom
By Hazzard
It is highly recomended to wire your speakers in stereo!
1. Added a lot of new samples, both voices and general sounds.
2. Edited jingles to work more seamless with the game
3. Cleaned up some voice samples, and added a bit fx to some of them.
4. Renfield now has a greater vocabulary
5. Added more suspence and Jonathan voice to castle lock ready fx
6. Added original dracula laughter (although not that long one, too much noise ) for coffin multiball and other places.
7. Added Van Helsing quotes to shoot again for more storyline feel
8. Added Renfield Slam tilt warning voice
9. Rats cave now have multiple jingles
10. Outlanes now have multiple fx
11. Extra Ball now has new sound fx
12. New Van Helsing voice on Castle Multiball lock
13. Slingshots now panned slightly left right
14. Bonus X sound now has " Do not see me" every other time.
15. Mystery now has multiple fx
16. New Dracula sounds when he gets struck by stake`s during multiball, from the death scene (sliced in the throat with a huge knife/blade...Rather gory) in the movie...
17. Lots of other stuff I cant remember...
1.4 updates
- New Blood dripping/splat sounds in mystery/ match sounds.
- Organized Van Helsing voices om coffin ramp shot
- Level adjustments for more focus on voices and event sounds.
- Added more bonus mulitplier voices from Mina getting the neckbite from Dracula (from the movie).
- Feel very satisfied with this update. Played a lot of games, and I might actually be finnished !
- original soundtrack
- new multiple fx
- (and 1 more)