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Files posted by Baptiste
Boot.wav Français par Baptiste
By Baptiste in The Simpsons Pinball Party
Voici une proposition de fichier de démarrage pour la carte.
Cela permet au flipper de démarrer sur le thème des Simpsons lorsque vous allumez la machine.
Il faut placer ce fichier dans le répertoire "audio" (à la racine de ce répertoire), au même niveau que le nom du mix.
The_Simpsons_OST_FR par Baptiste
By Baptiste in The Simpsons Pinball Party
Bonjour à tous les Pinsoundiens, Pinsoundiennes !
Voici ma création du mix pour le TSPP de Stern. Plus d'un an de travail pour un flipper qui en valait la peine !!!
Je voudrais vraiment insister sur le fait que je l'ai créé en tant que fan des Simpsons, et j'ai voulu que chaque partie fasse replonger le joueur dans les épisodes correspondants au jeu, que toutes les anecdotes ou épisodes célèbres puissent être évoqués comme un hommage aux souvenirs de visionnages, que chaque fin de partie soit vécue comme une fin d'épisode.
Ce mix est intégralement en Français, avec ENORMEMENT DE VOIX et d'alternatifs.
La programmation du shaker est incluse au mix.
Je souhaite préciser également que les ajustements de volumes ont été faits avec présence d'un kit HP Pinsound.
Une fois le fichier téléchargé, mettez-le à la racine de la clé USB TEL-QUEL, et la carte Pinsound l'installera intégralement toute seule au premier démarrage.
Je conseille fortement (avant l'installation du mix), de mettre le firmware de la carte Pinsound à jour (cf la page "aide" du site Pinsound.fr et choisissez votre version de carte).
Je vous souhaite beaucoup de plaisir de jeu avec ce mix !!
Bon flip à tous !!
Vidéo de présentation du mix (mais qui ne montre pas tout...) :
The_Simpsons_OST_ENG by Baptiste
By Baptiste in The Simpsons Pinball Party
Hi Pinsound men and women !
You will find here my Pinsound Mix for the Simpsons Pinball Party TSPP Stern. More than a year of work, for a pinball machine that deserved it!!!
I really want to emphasize that i created it as a fan of the Simpsons. I wanted that as you played, you would reconnect with the corresponding episodes, and each end game to feel like an episode is finished.
Here is the mix in the English voices.
There are many many voices, and a lot of alternation in the sequences.
Shaker programming is included.
I would like to point out that the volume adjustements were made with a Pinsound speaker kit.
One the file has been downloaded, put it as is in .zip at the root of the key, and the Pinsound Card takes care of installing the mix on its own !
I strongly advise to update the firmware of the card as well (go to the help page of the Pinsound site, and choose your card version).
I wish you a lot of fun playing with it !!!
Good flip everyone !!
Here is a presentation video (which is far from showing everything...) :
Boot.wav English by Baptiste
By Baptiste in The Simpsons Pinball Party
Here is a proposal for the starting sequence of the card.
Place the file in the audio directory, at the same level as the mix.
terminator; remastered T2_Remastered_V1_2_FW90.zip
By Baptiste in Terminator 2
Original file beautifully created by Endprodukt and Joe Gaudet. Thanks to them for their great work!!
You can donate to the designer (Endprodukt) here : o.carell@kabelmail.de
Reload and update Remastered V 1.2 :
- Optimization of the mix by Pinsound Studio 9.
THE UPDATE of the Pinsound Card in the last Firmware is COMPULSORY !
- Correction of a major bug : non-stop of the jingle "DataBase" (mystery) on certain gains with no return of the current music.
- Correction of certain voices "It's Payback time" sometimes interrupted
- Optimization of the general volumes.
- Optimization of the voices volume individually (in particular paypack time sequence)
- Rework of the intonations of certain voices, and synchronization of the voices "hasta the vista" and "I' ll be back" with the activation of the corresponding insert.
- Optimization of the speed of engaging of certain sounds and voice (use pre-load in memory) for a better synchronization with the insert and/or the display.
- Improvement of the extraball jingle.
- Deletion of the abnormally present directories in double.
- Deletion or conversion of abnormally not-wav present files.
- Correction of a sound parasite on a file of ramp entrance.
- Repositioning of certain directories in another category enhancing reliability of the progress of their reading.
- Proposal of a boot file : cut / stick the boot.wav file of the root of the mix towards the root of the audio directory, and it's ok !
** Work proposed by Fabrice Optel and Baptiste Serais, French guys ;-)
terminator; ost T2_OST_V1_2_FW90.zip
By Baptiste in Terminator 2
Original file beautifully created by Endprodukt and Joe Gaudet. Thanks to them for their great work!!
You can donate to the designer (Endprodukt) here : o.carell@kabelmail.de
Update OST Ver 1.2 :
- Optimization of the mix by Pinsound Studio 9.
THE UPDATE of the Pinsound Card in the last Firmware is COMPULSORY !
- Correction of the too long duration of the jingle "Database" (mystery) on certain gains with return of the current music too late.
- Correction of certain voices "It's Payback time" sometimes interrupted
- Optimization of the general volumes.
- Optimization of the voices volume individually (in particular paypack time sequence)
- Rework of the intonations of certain voices, and synchronization of the voices "hasta the vista" and "I' ll be back" with the activation of the corresponding insert.
- Optimization of the speed of engaging of certain sounds and voice (use pre-load in memory) for a better synchronization with the insert and/or the display.
- Improvement of the extraball jingle.
- Deletion of the abnormally present directories in double.
- Repositioning of certain directories in another category enhancing reliability of the progress of their reading.
- Proposal of a boot file : cut / stick the boot.wav file of the root of the mix towards the root of the audio directory, and it's ok !
** Work proposed by Fabrice Optel and Baptiste Serais, French guys ;-)
terminator; 1991 T2_1991_V1_2_FW90.zip
By Baptiste in Terminator 2
Update 1991 Ver 1.2 :
- Optimization of the mix by Pinsound Studio 9.
THE UPDATE of the Pinsound Card in the last Firmware is COMPULSORY !
- Correction of a major bug : non-stop of the jingle "DataBase" (mystery) on certain gains with no return of the current music.
- Optimization of the voices volume.
- Optimization of the speed of engaging of certain sounds and voice (use pre-load in memory) for a better synchronization with the insert and/or the display.
- Repositioning of certain directories in another category enhancing reliability of the progress of their reading.
- Proposal of a boot file : cut / stick the boot.wav file of the root of the mix towards the root of the audio directory, and it's ok !
** Work proposed by Fabrice Optel and Baptiste Serais, French guys ;-)