Terminator 2
7 files
By Averell Lee
Extended with the Profanity Call Out "Fuck You Asshole". Playable with Game ROM L8.3 (available on IPDB).
This Sound Pack includes the original Sound Pack and the remastered Sound Pack that is based on the Sound Pack from EndProdukt, but includes a funny boot.wav.
Of course both Sound Packs run with all other Game ROMs, but the Profanity Call Out "Fuck You Asshole" is only supported with Game ROM L8.3 or higher.
You can switch between the original Sound Pack and the remastered version.
A nice feature is the shaker support, which also works in the original sound pack as in the remastered version.
• Added new Mystery Background Sound "Mystery Background Averell 1", "Sarah On The Run", "Our Gang Goes To Cyberdyne"
• Added new Main Themes "Terminator Main Theme", "Bad To The Bone (long and short)", "Guitars-Cadillacs", "You Could Be Mine (long and short)"
• Added new Call Out "Fick Dich Selber Du Arschloch", "Hey man, Guck Mal Im Telefonbuch Unter Arschloch Nach, Da Findest Du Sicher Deine Nummer"
• Added new SFX for Start Button without Credits "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots And Your Motorcycle", "Hey man, Guck Mal Im Telefonbuch Unter Arschloch Nach, Da Findest Du Sicher Deine Nummer"
By Averell Lee
Extended with the Profanity Call Out "Fuck You Asshole". Playable with Game ROM L8.3 or higher (available on IPDB).
This Sound Pack is based on the Sound Pack from EndProdukt, but includes a funny boot.wav. Of course the Sound Pack runs with all other Game ROMs, but the Profanity Call Out "Fuck You Asshole" is only supported with Game ROM L8.3 or higher.
• Added new Mystery Background Sound (Mystery Background Averell 1, Sarah On The Run, Our Gang Goes To Cyberdyne)
• Added new Main Themes (Terminator Main Theme, Bad To The Bone, Guitars-Cadillacs, You Could Be Mine)
T2 Rammstein Electro
By EricStroh
All new music files: Rammstein Electro music featuring "Du Hast" as the main theme
Check out the 2:10 minute mark here to get an idea of what the music will sound like.
terminator; remastered T2_Remastered_V1_2_FW90.zip
By Baptiste
Original file beautifully created by Endprodukt and Joe Gaudet. Thanks to them for their great work!!
You can donate to the designer (Endprodukt) here : o.carell@kabelmail.de
Reload and update Remastered V 1.2 :
- Optimization of the mix by Pinsound Studio 9.
THE UPDATE of the Pinsound Card in the last Firmware is COMPULSORY !
- Correction of a major bug : non-stop of the jingle "DataBase" (mystery) on certain gains with no return of the current music.
- Correction of certain voices "It's Payback time" sometimes interrupted
- Optimization of the general volumes.
- Optimization of the voices volume individually (in particular paypack time sequence)
- Rework of the intonations of certain voices, and synchronization of the voices "hasta the vista" and "I' ll be back" with the activation of the corresponding insert.
- Optimization of the speed of engaging of certain sounds and voice (use pre-load in memory) for a better synchronization with the insert and/or the display.
- Improvement of the extraball jingle.
- Deletion of the abnormally present directories in double.
- Deletion or conversion of abnormally not-wav present files.
- Correction of a sound parasite on a file of ramp entrance.
- Repositioning of certain directories in another category enhancing reliability of the progress of their reading.
- Proposal of a boot file : cut / stick the boot.wav file of the root of the mix towards the root of the audio directory, and it's ok !
** Work proposed by Fabrice Optel and Baptiste Serais, French guys ;-)
terminator; ost T2_OST_V1_2_FW90.zip
By Baptiste
Original file beautifully created by Endprodukt and Joe Gaudet. Thanks to them for their great work!!
You can donate to the designer (Endprodukt) here : o.carell@kabelmail.de
Update OST Ver 1.2 :
- Optimization of the mix by Pinsound Studio 9.
THE UPDATE of the Pinsound Card in the last Firmware is COMPULSORY !
- Correction of the too long duration of the jingle "Database" (mystery) on certain gains with return of the current music too late.
- Correction of certain voices "It's Payback time" sometimes interrupted
- Optimization of the general volumes.
- Optimization of the voices volume individually (in particular paypack time sequence)
- Rework of the intonations of certain voices, and synchronization of the voices "hasta the vista" and "I' ll be back" with the activation of the corresponding insert.
- Optimization of the speed of engaging of certain sounds and voice (use pre-load in memory) for a better synchronization with the insert and/or the display.
- Improvement of the extraball jingle.
- Deletion of the abnormally present directories in double.
- Repositioning of certain directories in another category enhancing reliability of the progress of their reading.
- Proposal of a boot file : cut / stick the boot.wav file of the root of the mix towards the root of the audio directory, and it's ok !
** Work proposed by Fabrice Optel and Baptiste Serais, French guys ;-)
terminator; 1991 T2_1991_V1_2_FW90.zip
By Baptiste
Update 1991 Ver 1.2 :
- Optimization of the mix by Pinsound Studio 9.
THE UPDATE of the Pinsound Card in the last Firmware is COMPULSORY !
- Correction of a major bug : non-stop of the jingle "DataBase" (mystery) on certain gains with no return of the current music.
- Optimization of the voices volume.
- Optimization of the speed of engaging of certain sounds and voice (use pre-load in memory) for a better synchronization with the insert and/or the display.
- Repositioning of certain directories in another category enhancing reliability of the progress of their reading.
- Proposal of a boot file : cut / stick the boot.wav file of the root of the mix towards the root of the audio directory, and it's ok !
** Work proposed by Fabrice Optel and Baptiste Serais, French guys ;-)