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About This File

Another tribute to Chris Granner.
After doing the Whitewater mix I choose to make another mix to a Chris Granner WPC-89 classic game that could benefit with some sound upgrades - Fish tales.
First I thought the game was the most evil game ever made, but this project realy got me loving this game.

A special thanks to Glenn Chatfield for providing the main voices and the feedback and support of completing this project, very nice working with you.
I also want to send appreciations to mystman12 on pinside for even more voices to make more variations. 
And last, but not least, Nicolas at Pinsound for adding a some voices on the stretch the truth scenario and fixing a firmware issue to the pinsound board.

Fish tales need pinsound firmware later than 30 Sep 2020 to avoide sound issues at the end of ball.

If you like what you hear, feel free to donate at https://paypal.me/StefanGranberg

Edited by itksgr
Added youtube demo

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