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About This File

All music updated with tracks from Jerry Goldsmith, Ron Jones, Jay Chattaway, Dennis McCarthy and one track from Velton Ray Bunch. Most are from the STTNG television show with a couple from Star Trek Generations, Nemesis, DS9 and Enterprise. Every track was edited to fit and many tracks were mixed to match the timing of the originals in the game. There are multiple Q and Worm Hole tracks for variety. The Rescue transporter sound has been updated. The bonus count chimes are also new. I sampled 30+ CDs and countless Youtube videos with many hours of work involved. It took a month to produce.

The "Thank You Mr. Data" interrupt fix is included and I solved the annoying end of game music looping forever. This was a bug in the original legacy files from Pinsound. That is no longer a problem. 


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